Tuesday, January 12, 2010

4 Weeks Post Op.....

Okay well so far was good until tonight... I had night class at USI and the cheerleaders had a friends and family night to come see their routine for nationals. Well my class got done early so me and Kiel decided to go see them perform. We get over to the gym in the car and decided to use my new crutches to get in because its a short straight shot into the gym and out. Not to terribly far. Well we got in alright, with a few short stops. Then we watched their performance and got up to leave. I then talked to a few people and started to walk out. As I was walking out I told Kiel I needed to stop up here and about that time I brought my crutches in front of me and my knee gave out along with the spring on my crutch. I fell to the ground which was a concrete floor, onto my Right Knee which is my bad side and I tried to turn to prevent my hip hitting and when I did that my leg got twisted under my body. :( It hurt really bad... I was in so much pain I instantly started to cry. Kiel didn't know what to do and couldn't catch me because it happened so fast. But there was these nice people who decided to help me out as well.. Kiel ran to the car to get my wheelchair while the nice people got me on a bench. I then was wheeled to the car... It hurt soooooo.... bad! I don't really know what to do.. My mom called the phone line for the on-call doctor for scheid and left a message. Then a PA called me back who pretty much told me nothing. He was like well um,,, you could go to the ER but the doctors wouldn't know about your surgery and everything so it wouldn't be helpful. He was like call Scheid in the morning and see what they want you to do, and I advise you to continue using your crutches with minimum weight barring. I was like I want to throw them away and I'm no weight barring. He was like okay continue that and ice. I was like okay wow um didnt help much... O well guess I will call Scheid in the morning with the news and try to figure out what to do since I don't see him again until Feb 4th. 7 weeks 2 days after surgery. To get my first X-Ray which to me seems a little weird for such the long wait. O well....

Before today I have been doing extremely well. I came over to Kiel's on Sunday night. Saturday night he took me out to a local pizza place and my favorite place walmart :) I got pushed around in their huge wheelchairs!!! It was great to be back there. Haha... Besides going out I accomplished many new things this week. I was able to officially take my first shower alone. No help getting in or out. It was awesome and I sat there so long all the hot water was out. LOL. I also was able to lift my leg into bed and the huge step outside of Kiel's house without help. Even though help is nice I still try to do some for myself! I'm excited to continue to improve. One of the only things I have left that I want to do really bad is put my own shoe and sock on my right side. I cant bend that far yet. I have mastered putting all the rest of my clothes on for the most part. I also wish I could walk. I know in time.. but time seems to be crawling by.. especially after the fall tonight :(

I started classes Monday of this week as well. I decided it would be best to use the wheelchair to get around. I decided to use my crutches if I had to use the restroom but didnt need them to much. It wasn't bad getting around since I had Kiel to push me from class to class. He's such a great guy :).

Nothing much has been going on this past week. But I also want to thank Alyssa my cousin for all the help she has given me. She has been at my house when I'm there for the past 2 weeks. She has waited on my every need and I thank her for that. I also want to thank my parents for what they do. Even though times are hard try to be positive.....

I will let everyone know what happens with my fall. :(

Also I want to thank Courtney for the help and encouraging words this past week. She is going through this process with me just 4 days before me. I also want to thank my other hippies as well and wish Shelly who just got to come home a safe and full recovery. Ashley I hope all goes well with your tests, MRI, scopes all that.:( I hope you get good news.

Also I would like to have everyone wish me luck with applying to my program. I am applying Jan 20th for the Social Work program at USI. I want to eventually become a Clinical Social Worker with my Masters degree. But got to get in the BSW program first! Thanks!